Photo by Zora Grizz
Photo by Zora Grizz
*The Agency internal memorandum only*
Clearance level: 10-Mole-Purple
To: Agency Select supervisors only
Departments: Extra-galactic Travel Bureau, Astro-Engineering, Feral Cat Lab, Forbidden Bakery
From: Katie The All Ruler of Earth-Next’s Luxury EXtra-Ultra Spies (KAREN’s LEXUS)
---Unredacted Report for NON-Release:---
The Archaeology Laboratory
Short story
The year was 2007 - the year our culture collectively made fun of Britney Spears for being a person, in case you’re struggling to place it in your memory.
I was an undergraduate student worker - whiling away the few free hours I had between my classes, two other jobs, and learning all about drinking games at night - by cataloging archaeological miscellany for a university's archeology professors.
I worked in an old, basement-level, archaeology lab. After I recorded what each item was, I had to go into this closet that I swear to god stretched on for a half mile (most of the items were actual, literal, dirt. I had to sort their dirt samples, which is very weird and tedious. But I’m not gonna lie: I was kinda into the rote muscle memory of it. I could let my mind just wander).
The closet had an obscene number of shelves, lining the walls at odd increments and disappearing into the shadows and dark towards the back.
There were weird breaks in the shelves with just sunken sections of wall with nails sticking out. The whole place was lit by one dim light bulb at the front, nearest the only door.
I hated going into that closet. I worked alone and there was this terrifying fucking vibe in there. Like something was watching me. The endless closet was full of crates and decades upon decades of archaeology detritus that they didn't know what to do with but didn't want to throw away.
published in
Wicked Shadow Press: Flashes of Nightmare Anthology
Bets Gomez.
I stare at the name, typed in tiny letters on a page yellowed with age. It doesn’t stand out. There is nothing special about it other than the memories it holds for me. My grandmother: the complex and complicated womxn who was our family’s matriarch. Who helped raise me. But this page is overflowing with small boxes, each containing their own tiny-lettered name. She is one in a sea of many names typed in the same font, the same color, the same size - just like all the others.
There it was again: someone was…screaming…shrieking, just over the hill…in the boneyard.
I had wrenched the door to the deck open and now stood outside on the snow covered planks, eyes wide and looking everywhere around, ears straining desperately to try and track where the noise could possibly be coming from. Between the tall trees near the house and the steep slope of the mountainside around me, I couldn’t see much further than a few feet past the edge of the railing. There was not enough available for me to see to determine where and why blood curdling screams were happening incredibly close by to where I stood.
It was dusk, the light slipping away into fresh, deep, blues across the snow, and I’d been trying to figure out what I'd been hearing and what has had the dogs inside my own house barking and frantic out of their minds for the last several minutes.
I live alone.
There are two critical pieces of context you should know here, for what just transpired:
1) My favorite aunt, Kira, is a fiction writer and we've always been close.
2) It's incredibly icy on the mountain that I live on and most cars can't traverse it in the winter (including my all-wheel-drive wagon sometimes).
Today there's a lot of fresh snow and very shiny ice on the ground beneath it, so I decided to walk down the mountain wearing a backpack to get the mail, instead of trying to drive down the icy slopes.
This is not an uncommon occurrence in the winter.
I like the cold. I do these kinds of things.
As I'm carefully balancing and maneuvering myself and an empty backpack for collecting mail down a steep stretch of ice on an isolated mountain, my cell rings.
Photo by Zora Grizz
Photo by Zora Grizz
I've had the fact that I had not procreated thrown in my face a lot lately. You can imagine.
Not even just lately. My whole life.
My boss, who knows nothing about me at all, who hired me because of my expertise in early childhood literacy, tells me all the time that I don't understand parents because I don't have kids...